We are very proud to be part of the “Highlike book” with our project of Wines Museum in Chile. This is a yearbook on global contemporary ART and CULTURE. Its first edition has 584 pages with 577 artists from 35 countries. The “highlike book” encompasses several aspects of contemporary culture, providing the user a new…


Ringraziamo il dipartimento ArchiDiap dell’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma per aver inserito il nostro progetto PDV/01 tra le 500 architetture di maggior valore di Roma dal 1500 ad oggi. Un ringraziamento a Fabrizio Ricci autore dell’articolo che riportiamo di seguito : ” Verde e natura per il parco dei Castelli Romani, acciaio e vetro per…


Astana City Vision project published on Arthitectural A Smart City for 30.000 inhabitants, entirely sustainable and climate controlled. Link to the article arthitectural.com is an online magazine which has succeeded to become a source of inspiration of design and architecture since its foundation in May 2010. From its beginning, arthitectural.com was set to bring both…