PROJECT SUMMARY Located in an area interested in new urban redevelopment projects, the new DRA&U HQ will be developed on 600 square meters on multiple levels as well as outdoor spaces. A renovation and recovery intervention of a building that throughout its history has been an artisan lab, a sports shop and soon our new…
PROJECT SUMMARY Proof of Concept developed for the roll-out of a 5G GSM network test bed KEY DATA YEAR2017PROGRAMTechnologyCLIENTEricssonPARTNER IN CHARGEJonathan ArbibCOLLABORATORSValerio MannarinoPROJECT VALUEEUR 220.000 MEDIA jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#box_image_matching").unitegallery({ tiles_type:"justified", tiles_min_columns: 4, lightbox_show_numbers: false, tile_enable_icons: true, lightbox_slider_control_zoom:false, lightbox_show_textpanel: false, }); });
PROJECT SUMMARY Virtual Reality Solution designed for the Local Council of Naxxar in Malta. This was a first cornerstone project for the Council to share its Naturalistic, Archaelogical, Historical and Religios sights with visitors and tourists of this beautiful gem in Malta KEY DATA YEAR2015PROGRAMTechnologyTYPETender (First place)CLIENTNaxxar Local Council, MaltaPARTNER IN CHARGEJonathan ArbibCOLLABORATORSValerio MannarinoPROJECT VALUEEUR…